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Coffee produced in Colombia, a country in South America known for being one of the world’s leading coffee producers and exporters. Colombian coffee is famous for its quality, smooth flavor, and balance, and it is grown in various regions of the country, each with unique flavor characteristics due to its climate, altitude, and soil.

Coffee varieties

  1. Caturra: The Caturra variety is a natural mutation of the Bourbon variety and is known for its smaller size, which facilitates harvesting. Caturra coffee tends to have a smooth and balanced flavor with notes of caramel, nuts, and citrus. It is appreciated for its bright acidity.
  2. Typica: The Typica variety is one of the oldest and widely grown coffee varieties in the world. In Colombia, it is grown in various regions and is appreciated for its smooth and aromatic flavor with floral and fruity notes.
  3. Bourbon: This variety is known for its complex and sweet flavor, with notes of chocolate, caramel, and fruits. Bourbon coffee in Colombia is grown at different altitudes, which can influence its flavor profile.
  4. Geisha: Although not native to Colombia, the Geisha variety has become very popular in the country in recent years. It is cultivated in high-altitude regions and is characterized by its floral and fruity flavors, often with notes of jasmine and bergamot.
  5. Tabi: The Tabi variety is a hybrid derived from Bourbon, Typica, and Gesha. It is known for its disease resistance and its ability to produce complex coffee cups with flavors including fruits, flowers, and spices.
  6. Castillo: Castillo coffee is a variety developed in Colombia with the aim of being disease-resistant. It has become popular in the country for its resistance and good flavor, which often includes notes of chocolate and nuts.
  7. Colombia: This is a variety specifically created in Colombia to resist diseases and be suitable for a variety of growing conditions. Colombia coffee tends to be smooth and balanced, with flavors of nuts, chocolate, and citrus.

The production processColombian Coffee1. Harvesting: The coffee harvesting season in Colombia generally occurs in two main periods known as “main harvests” and “secondary harvests.” Farmers hand-select ripe coffee beans, which involves picking only the coffee beans that have the right color and maturity.
2. Depulping: After harvesting, coffee beans undergo the depulping process, where the pulp is separated from the coffee bean. This can be done mechanically or manually.
3. Fermentation: Coffee beans, after being depulped, undergo a fermentation process in water for a specific period to remove any remaining pulp and mucilage residues.
4. Washing: After fermentation, the coffee beans are washed and dried to remove any remaining pulp and stop the fermentation process.
5. Drying: Washed coffee beans are spread out in the sun or dried in mechanical dryers until they reach the appropriate moisture level, typically around 11-12%.6. Dry milling: After drying, coffee beans go through a dry milling process that involves removing any impurities or defects.
7. Storage: Coffee beans are stored in sacks or airtight containers to maintain their freshness before being shipped to roasters or exporters.
8. Roasting: Green coffee beans are roasted in specialized roasters to different roast levels based on the roaster’s preferences and the type of coffee desired. Roasting is a critical step that influences the flavor and aroma of the coffee.
9. Grinding: After roasting, coffee beans are ground into different particle sizes based on the desired brewing method, such as espresso, French press, or drip.
10. Brewing: Finally, the ground coffee is prepared for consumption using various methods, such as espresso, pour-over, French press, among others.Active compounds found inColombian Coffee

These are some of the main chemical compounds found in Colombian coffee. Caffeine is one of the most well-known components and is responsible for the stimulating effects of coffee. Chlorogenic acids and antioxidants contribute to the characteristic flavors and aromas of coffee, as well as its health benefits. Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and other compounds also play an important role in the chemical composition of coffee

Active Compound


Chlorogenic Acids




Alkaloids (theobromine)


Minerals (potassium)

Vitamins (niacin, riboflavin)


Natural stimulant of the central nervous system.

Contribute to the flavor and aroma of coffee.

Provide essential oils to coffee.

Contribute to the taste and body of coffee.K

Contribute to the formation of crema in espresso.

Present in smaller amounts than caffeine.

Help combat free radicals in the body.

Present in small quantities in coffee.

In small quantities but contribute to nutrition.

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